

1 John 5:14 ~ This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Each week in our worship service we take the time to share our thanks to God and our burdens.  


Join our prayer team on Thursdays at 6pm in prayer via teleconference.   

Dial in number: 1-425-436-6362  Access Code -  199651#  Host number *1080#


Joni & Ping Digaum with J.D. & J.C.


The following is our ongoing prayer list:    Thanks to all for your prayers!

Remember to also pray for our prayer list in the bulletin:  

Our church family, our school, and our preschool

EACSM: Community Services Ministries

Prison Ministries

Feb. 8

​Gloria - Linda has more cancer now

Martha - Glad for the time in McCall and the snow

Debbie - pray for our family and my sister

Mary Kay - Nancy's health is good. Pray for her time helping her mom

Precious - pray for our family.  My dad's mom passed away and also our health

Mike - Prayer partners are going well. It's special

Glenn - pray for the family.  Lots of health issues and for Mika especially

Steve - A friend passed away. Pray for the family

Randy - Answered prayer - daughters had some healing of their relationship.

Jan. 25, 2025

Brian - My dad is cancer free!

Allison - coworker still waiting for surgery

David - Precious hoping to be here next week

Dallas - Sharon having surgery on Monday.  

​George - Praise for my birthday!

James - Uncle Chris passed away

David - Larry passed away. Pray for family

Randy - My daughters are not close.  One has a lump. Pray for her healing and reconciliation of the daughters together. 

Debbie - Thanks for all your prayers and cards, food, etc.

Mary Kay - Pray for Nancy's health

Jan. 18, 2025

Randy - prayers for my neighbor of 20 years in Arizona. His wife just died.

Judy - Praise for the blessing of the 10 Days of Prayer via zoom.

Jean- Prayers for the Messecar family at this time

Dallas - COntinue to keep Sharon in your prayers. Surgery will be coming up.

Gloria - COntinued prayers for Kim.  She was anointed

George- Thanks that our good friends Andrew and Marinela are here (he is also Ross' nephew)

​Valerie - Thanks for the prayer time you have at this church.

Jan. 11, 2025

Kevin - Debbie's mom passed away.  Keep the family in your prayers

Egina - Priscilla's father-in-law is still fighting cancer

Glenn - My great-grand daughter is doing better

Gloria - My friend Kim has one more chemo treatment, then radiation and possible immunotherapy

Judy - family member is housebound

David - continue to pray for Trinity

James - friend Chris is on hospice and dying from cancer

David - Dave Terry is doing much better

Bob - Praise for my birthday today and Joy's was this week as well.

Visitor - My sister had a heart transplant and is past the 1 year mark which is great!

              Also praise for safe travels for 3500 miles moving here.

Jan. 4, 2025

​Martha - My friend Angel's mom passed away. Prayers for her.

               The pastor at Pendleton church got engaged. Prayers for them.

Jim - Praise I became a great grandpa this morning!

Gloria - My friend Kim has good spirits and she's reaching out to others even in her cancer. Our exercise class is praying for her and thanks for our prayers.

Roberta - Thanks to all for the cake, gifts and cards and coming over to make my 90th birthday special.

Wendy - My cousin Marlo has prostate cancer.

Dec. 28, 2024

Karen - praise that we are home! We had an amazing experience and will be going back.

Dallas - Sharon will be having surgery coming up for her hip.

Tim - Praise that our son Michael is active in his church in Florida!

Debbie - I have lupus and had liver issues in association with that.  They have cleared up now!

Nancy - Praise that I got a lot done in AZ and things went well.

Martha - Pathfinders are in McCall. Prayers for safety.

Judy - Prayer for a family member that has been sick over a year.

David - Prayer for a girl we met on the airplane.  Trinity.

Dec. 21, 2024

Tasha - healing

Sharon's dad - healing

Dallas - Sharon healing

Gloria - Kim healing

Dec. 7, 2024

Gloria - Praise for an easy truck fix.  Also pray for Kim who has lung cancer

Kelly - Pray for my brother Matthew for God to guide him

Visitor - Pray for my husband who is deployed

Visitor - My great grandma died

Jodi - Pray for Live Nativity tonight that God will hold the rain off.